Hi there! I’m Amber, a first generation homeschool mom of four, a slow-living and slow-schooling advocate. I work from home full time, we also spend a lot of time raising, growing, and harvesting our own food here in south central Manitoba.

I am passionate about preserving food, childhood, and wonder. I’m on a mission to help homeschool families slow down and enjoy the season they are in!

Connect with me on Instagram @theunhurriedhomestead !



SESSION: Find Your Groove - Choosing How to Structure YOUR Homeschool Year

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with fitting in all the subjects for all the kids … if you’re finding yourself out of brain space to do the next lesson, or feeling like you’re just checking boxes and missing the magic… you’ve likely wondered if there’s another way.

I’m here to help!

There are actually many ways you can break down your homeschool year to feel mor JOY and accomplishment for everyone involved. Let’s chat about it!