There is a lot to research and figure out before you are ready to apply to university! Join Nick as he walks you through everything you should know about applying to university so that you can make an informed decision on where to study at the post-secondary level. He will discuss how to apply, what documents you need to prepare, scholarships, supports that are available for homeschool students during the application process and beyond, and more!
Nick graduated from Brock University in 2019 with a Bachelor of Sport Management degree and has been working as a Recruitment Officer for Brock ever since. In November 2021, Nick assumed the role of Recruitment Officer, Market Development and Inclusion and focuses on helping transfer students, homeschool students, out-of-province students and more throughout the application process. Nick can be reached at any time at [email protected] to set up a one-on-one meeting or to answer any questions over email you might have.